2016 Hotbox Events Festival Staff and Volunteer Lift Sharing

2016 Hotbox Events Festival Staff and Volunteer Lift Sharing

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

With the sun shining and the blue skies it's finally starting to feel like summer is approaching!

Volunteer applications have been flooding in from lots of you keen to volunteer with us at the 2016 Latitude, Reading and Leeds Festivals which is great to see! We're less than 3 months from arriving at our first festival of the season and looking forward to welcoming you all!

We're now 60% full for Latitude Festival volunteer positions, and over 50% full for Reading and Leeds positions.

If you'd like to join us this summer but you're yet to apply, please head over to PAAM and apply to volunteer ASAP!

Don't forget, the earlier you apply to volunteer and pay your deposit to secure your position the more likely you are to get your top choice of shifts at the festivals!

We're starting to receive a lot of queries about travelling to the festivals. For those looking to get the train we'll let you know about shuttle buses from the local train stations to the festival sites a little nearer the time as some of the festival shuttle bus time tables are yet to be confirmed.

For those thinking about driving or looking to grab a lift we've setup a 2016 festival lift sharing topic in our festival forums!

If you're looking for a lift to a festival or you're planning on driving and able to offer a lift our forum is a great place to get in touch with fellow volunteers!

If you've not done it before the idea of festival lift sharing is to meet up with others who are heading to the same festival and travel together. This means you reduce the travel costs, help the environment, and get to know a few people before you arrive at the festival.

Many of our staff and volunteers arrange to share lifts via the Hotbox Events forum every year – please do try and travel to festivals together if you can!

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