Friday, June 22, 2012
The Hotbox Events 2012 Latitude Festival Health and Safety at Festival Sites Terms and Conditions for Employees and Volunteers, and Festival Republic's Flexi Backpack Extinguisher Guidance is now available via Hotbox Events PAAM for all 2012 Latitude Festival event staff and festival volunteers!
Health and Safety at Festival Sites
This is issued in order to ensure that the duties and rights of you, the employee, and of your employer, Hotbox Events are clear.
Before you can work with us at the Latitude Festival you must read the Health and Safety at Festival Sites Terms and Conditions; when you book in onsite you will be asked to sign to confirm you have read, understood and agree to abide by the terms.
Flexi Backpack Extinguisher Guidance
Festival Republic's Flexi Backpack Extinguisher Guidance provides usage and safety guidance regarding the Flexi Backpack Extinguisher. As you may be required to use the Flexi Backpack Extinguisher when working with Hotbox Events please make sure you read the guidance before arriving at the 2012 Latitude Festival.
To view and/or download please:
Any questions, please contact us.