Leeds and Reading Festival Staff and Volunteer Info!

Leeds and Reading Festival Staff and Volunteer Info!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Hotbox Events 2011 Leeds and Reading Festival Health and Safety at Festival Sites Policy and Borders and Immigration Fact Sheet are all now available via Hotbox Events PAAM for all Leeds Festival staff and volunteers!

Health & Safety at Festival Sites Policy

This is issued in order to ensure that the duties and rights of you, the employee, and of your employer, Hotbox Events are clear. Before you can work with us at the Leeds and Reading Festivals you must read the Health & Safety policy; when you book in onsite you will be asked to sign to confirm you have read, understood and agree to abide by the terms.

Borders and Immigration Fact Sheet

This explains that under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act of 2006 Hotbox Events is required by law to check your right to work in the UK. The Fact Sheet explains what we need to see to make sure you have the right to work in the UK (passport or birth certificate and NI card), how we need to see it (original documents and copies kept for a minimum of 2 years), and when we need to see it (before you start work).

You can view and/or download all of the above by:

  1. Logging into your Hotbox Events PAAM account.
  2. Clicking the 'EVENT INFO' button (to the right of the festival's name on your overview page).
  3. You will find links to the documents (PDFs) within the 'Downloads' section of the 'EVENT INFO' page.

Any questions, please contact us.

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