Thank you to our 2010 Latitude volunteers!

Thank you to our 2010 Latitude volunteers!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Again many thanks to all who worked with Hotbox Events at the 2010 Latitude Festival! It's been a very busy summer for all involved with Hotbox Events - Steph Newman would like to send her apologies for the message below coming a little later than planned!

A huge thank you to all CATs, HATs and Pixies who volunteered at this year's Latitude Festival!

This year it was wonderful to have more of you than ever to perform the varied tasks that make Latitude so much fun. Pixies -you really stood out in the Woods, not only in your costumes but in your performance too; HATs - you did a great job providing information in the Arena and Kids areas and of course CATs, as always, your eyes and ears in the campsites have once again had a huge impact on reducing crime and keeping the public safe.

I would like also like to take this opportunity to the thank the Management team, Supervisors, CAT Control and our new Office Administrators; the successful running of the Latitude Hotbox Volunteers is down to the teamwork of this fantastic group of people.

I hope you all had a wonderful Festival Season and we very much look forward to seeing you again next year!

Steph Newman, Hotbox Events CAT & HAT Manager, Latitude Festival 2010

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