Latitude Festival - Additional Info!

Latitude Festival - Additional Info!

Monday, July 12, 2010

An additional briefing document for the 2010 Latitude Festival has just been added to PAAM:

CAT Spotters, Control and Tent Entering Policy

This is a very important document so please take 5 minutes to read the information.

You can view and/or download the document by:

  1. Logging into your Hotbox Events PAAM account.
  2. Confirming your position at Latitude (if you haven't already).
  3. Clicking the 'INFO & DOWNLOADS' button (to the right of the event name on your overview page).
  4. You can find the PDF within the 'Downloads' section of the 'INFO & DOWNLOADS' page.

The information contained within the document is relevant to all of you that will be joining us at Latitude. It contains details of the job roles of CAT Spotters and the best ways to go about being 'the eyes and ears' of the festival and playing a vital role in reducing crime at the festival. Similarly the tent entering policy is there to ensure that should you need to enter a festival goers tent due to welfare concerns that it is done appropriately as advised by the event security teams in the document.

For those of you who haven't already downloaded your info pack or received a printed copy through the post, this can also be viewed in the same documents section in PAAM. This is another very important document that we ask each of you to read thoroughly before joining us onsite at Latitude.

We're looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

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