Latitude, Reading, Leeds - Deadlines

Latitude, Reading, Leeds - Deadlines

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The application deadlines are fast approaching for the Latitude Festival, Reading Festival and Leeds Festivals. Due to all staff and volunteers needing to be PNC checked all those wishing to work must have applied and paid a deposit by the deadlines below:

Latitude Festival: 15th June
Reading Festival: 18th July
Leeds Festival: 6th August

If you are planning on working at Latitude Festival, Reading Festival, or Leeds Festival please apply and pay your deposit ASAP to avoid disappointment.

You can apply and pay your deposit via PAAM - deposits can be paid via cheque, BACS, or PayPal (inc credit/debit card).

If you have any queries about the deposit and how to pay head over our FAQs for more info or get in touch with our office.


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