PNC Check

  • Last Post 31 May 2006
mwisby posted this 31 May 2006

So what kinds of things are you looking for on here? Would a criminal record prevent you from being a CAT?

Obviously I understand registered sex offenders, murderers and drug dealers would almost certainly get the fingers up. But how about other things?

Just curious like...

Mark posted this 31 May 2006

This is up to the police, depends on the offence.

Basically '

We hand over the names of all who have applied to work with us to the police, they either okay them or let us know there is a problem, although don't tell us what that problem is.

Problems can be resolved ' we've not actually had a single problem with the CATs before, although we have with other on-site teams ' just because someone isn't okayed straight away doesn't necessarily mean they can't work ' it may be old data i.e. an administrative issue, or an issue the police have been trying to follow-up for a while.

Although that said I obviously can't and am not speaking for the police.

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