CAT Spotters...

  • Last Post 12 July 2010
M13UGS posted this 12 July 2010

As opposed to train spotter, plane spotter and many other types of spotter... how does one behold the position of CAT Spotter..?

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guybro posted this 13 July 2010

One of your main roles is to generally hunt out cats and put a few spots on them. These can be whatever colour you wish just as long as you get a good number of spots on there before the cat runs away. It is by no means an easy job as you have to be quick and cunning to get the cats and hold on to them. But this is probably one of the most rewarding positions at the festival. When you stand back at the end of your shift and see all the cats you have spotted, it's a truly remarkable experience.

Well it's either that or you have to look out for a the baddies trying to steal stuff from tents and causing trouble.

Cool_Mum_Joolz posted this 14 July 2010

While I was being a HAT at Latitude last year, it was very amusing to watch one pair of spotters who obviously thought they'd been transferred to the set of a James Bond movie, crouchiing behind tents and leaping out at each other, then bobbing behind trees and leaping out yet again..... or maybe that was them trying to attach spots to the punters???

Amymeister posted this 27 July 2010

Personally I think we should take the CAT spotters out of the high vis tabards and dress them in ninja gear, arm them with tazers and num-chucks then insist they hum the theme tune to Mission:Impossible as they skulk around the darkened corners of the campsites, ready to jump out and flatten a potential trouble maker.

Now that would make for interesting and effective deterents for tent theives and mischief makers!

M13UGS posted this 27 July 2010

I'd second that proposal... and issue them with paintball guns too... \"security... security.. man down.. paint check please...\"

lepus posted this 29 July 2010

I understand that Rob but I only need a female Manx and a male persian blue for my set

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