Booking Train Tickets Before Shifts Announced

  • Last Post 25 April 2019
Heiach posted this 24 April 2019

I want to book my train tickets soonish, but I won't get to see my shift pattern until a few weeks before Download.

Can I just arrive midday on the 11th anyway, even if my shift ends up starting on the 12th?

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nenevall posted this 25 April 2019

Yes you can...



You need to be available to arrive at the Download Festival site in good time for your onsite briefing (no later than 3 hours before your briefing) at 19:00 on Tuesday 11th or 19:00 on Wednesday 12th (the briefing you need to attend is shift pattern dependant).

You're welcome to arrive from midday on Tuesday 11th..



Heiach posted this 25 April 2019

Thank you! I wasn't 100% sure.


Another question for you. What about my departing train on the Monday? Won't I have to stick around to help with the clean up?

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