Someone on another forum said this :
\"Not sure about CATing, but for Oxfam those shifts you mentioned are entirely feasible, but you can't choose what shifts you want. It's just luck. For Oxfam, once everyone finds out what shifts they have, they put a whiteboard up and if you're not happy with your shifts you can write them up on the board with a mobile number and someone can swap with you, or you can swap with someone else on the board. But you can't just change one of your shifts, you have to swap completely with the other person (i.e. all three shifts). \"
Is this true about being a CAT? As I was lead to believe we chose our shifts on a first come first serve basis when we arrived.
Allocation of shifts?
- Last Post 10 April 2008
sucks for oxfam! lol
cat shifts are on first come first serve basis =]
Thats what I thought!
Thanks for clearing that up :)
Each CAT is asked to do one early (08:00 - 16:00), one late (16:00 - 00:00) and one night shift (00:00 - 08:00). We try to be as fair as possible and you'll choose which late shift you want when you sign-in at the event. Shifts are filled on a strictly first-come, first-served basis, therefore if you arrive early you are more likely to get the shifts you want.
The early and night shifts are determined by which late shift you select, as we don't allow CAT volunteers to work double shifts and also like to give each CAT enough time off after a night shift to recuperate. We aim to give each CAT volunteer two evenings off during the event.
Kind regards,
What are the chances of being aqble to work Late Friday (i.e. fishing Metallica), what sort of nubers are available on each shift?
Also.... what time are CAT's able to sign up for shifts????
that sounds really fair.
i started to apply for the oxfam one but the amount of info they wanted was immense, so i flicked to the end to find out they had no places left anyway! durr