After being festival goers for a number of years, now the family has grown up and we have a little more time on our hands we decided to extend the festival experience by volunteering for a week at Latitude 2014 as CATs! We did not really know what we had let ourselves in for but we were so glad we did because our fellow CATs, supervisors and festival goers were absolutely lovely and great fun. It was so nice to see the relieved smiles on people's faces when we helped them to put up their tents they bought the day before! The festival goers we assisted and chatted to, made a point of coming up to us later in the festival (when we were off duty) to say thank you again and for a chat which was so nice. Latitude Festival was amazing as usual but what made it special was flashing our crew wristbands to get in and out of the arena so quickly, it really made us feel important (is that sad?). The mixture of age and enthusiasm of our fellow volunteers and staff just helped make the festival experience so fab - we wished we had done this years ago and we are definitely coming back in 2015!
You can find out what volunteering at festivals is like by checking out our festival volunteer interviews!
You can also find lots of info about every festival we volunteer with on our festival pages.
If you're looking for more try our festival volunteer photo galleries and festival volunteer forum!
You can apply to volunteer at music festivals by signing up to our online festival volunteer application!
Festival volunteer applications open at the beginning of Feb each year, with sometimes a few extra festivals to volunteer at added throughout the year.
We send a message to every volunteer who signs up when applications open!