Hi there, first time doing thss CAT role... is there dedicated parking for CAT/HAT team...?
Will I need a permit, pass, badge.....?
Where do I go on arrival...?
- Last Post 31 July 2008
Parking details and access gates will be confirmed in the CAT Pack, which is due in the next couple of weeks. Parking permits will be allocated on-site. For those that are driving to the event please try to liftshare where possible.
Kind regards,
Thanks Tavis,
I can offer a lift from Kings Cross London subject to contribution towards fuel costs.
Oh... And it's wise to pack light! Last year the walk from the car park to the crew camping was about 45 minutes!
WHOAH.... That's far....
Why so far away?
Is the parking secured/patrolled?
Can you easily access your car as and when you want to?
I'd be grateful for any answers/advice?
Oh yeah... any idea when the CAT packs are sent out or do you pick them up on the day?
Staff parking at Reading is limited and last year some of the car parks/camping areas were flooded in the days leading up to the event and therefore all volunteers had to park in White car parks, which are a long walk. Car parking for staff is yet to be confirmed for this year's event.
Kind regards,
Cars are parked like supermarket car parks, with two rows of cars then a lane and another two cars, this enables people to come and go as they need.
Originally posted by Jinovich
Cars are parked like supermarket car parks, with two rows of cars then a lane and another two cars, this enables people to come and go as they need.
You'd think so wouldn't you? cough Latitude cough hehe
Originally posted by rachshikariquote:
Originally posted by Jinovich
Cars are parked like supermarket car parks, with two rows of cars then a lane and another two cars, this enables people to come and go as they need.
You'd think so wouldn't you? cough Latitude cough hehe
lol MOVE your car or it will be MOVED
+ the car in green with the rude pics and phrases on it : ) oops!!
What is this? rude pics? did you put them on or them?
I never saw that lol.
I do remember falling down a rabbit hole when backing a car in though haha
Originally posted by rachshikari
You'd think so wouldn't you? cough Latitude cough hehe
We will never know how that happened but it was truly a magical experience.
Just like threatening phil jupitus to tow his car if he didnt move out my lane in artist car park.
haha ahh Latitude held some good times.
Aside from the infected leg yes it was awesome.
ahhh the leg [:)]is it all cleared up now? lat does hold some good memories!!
Not bad for my first time working at a festival. Il definatly go back me thinks.
Met some good people